Welcome to
Physical Therapy Services
Are you looking for a therapist that will listen to you, spend time with you, that is still dedicated to patients, and and has a friendly staff that really cares about you?
Did you know that not all physical therapy practices are the same? At Physical Therapy Services here in Jacksonville, Penemarie Murphy, PT, and owner has been treating patients for almost 30 years. She specializes in the treatment of:
- Orthopedic Care for Seniors
- Neurological Disorders - Stroke, Chronic Pain, Parkinson's Disease, MS, many more
- Baby Boomers and Adolescents
- Education and Body Mechanics Training for Prevention of Future Injury
Why Choose Us Over the Big Corporate Clinics
- Small boutique practice where you are family.
- Whole body approach to therapy - we know how to fit rehab into your lifestyle and how to fit exercises into your daily routine.
- It's your therapy, so we tailor your rehab to your specific goals and fit specific exercises into your daily routines so you can achieve your therapy goals.
- Waiting time 0-10 minutes; usually able to be seen within 24 hrs of first call.
- Private treatment rooms and open gym settings.
- Staff longevity, greater than 15 years, same therapists.
- Accessible, unlimited parking.
- Payments by most insurance plans, credit cards accepted. Self pay rates available.
- Evening hours 3 nights/week.
- We accept private pay patients in their residents or skilled nursing/assisted living or independent living facility.